Distribution forms a link between the activities of production and refining inside the Company on one hand, and all customers from different regions of the Kingdom on the other hand;
it is the process responsible for meeting all the demands of customers on the Company's products.
The distribution business consists of the following activities:
Sale of oil derivatives, gas cylinders, airports, marketing of oils, maintenance of stations and warehouses of Aqaba
Sale of Petroleum Products
This process passes several stages beginning with receiving requests from all customers from different sectors and then coordination with the Department of loading and Transport in order to supply customers with oil derivatives in timely manner and various conditions, and the issuance of all invoices to customers on monthly basis.
Ten stations of the Company provide services to citizens, namely: Um Al-Heiran Station, Al-Mesdar Station, Marka Station, Al-Karak Station, the Site Station at Zarqa, Khan Zainab Station, Al-Mafraq International Station, Al-Mafraq Station/downtown, and Al-Aameriah Station, and there are stations under constructions such as Irbid, Ma'an, and Al-Azraq Station.
Sale of Gas Cylinders
Authorized gas distributors are supplied with gas cylinders, and the Department of Monitoring assumes the sales operations in order to ensure the warrant of cylinders to be delivered to customers according to the standards and specifications of safety.
Department of Gas prepares studies and implements planning to cover the need of the local market of gas cylinders, and it prepares reports on the sales of all gas centers.
Filling process is carried out in three stations owned by the Company: Amman Gas Filling Station, Salaheddin Gas Filling Station in Irbid, and Zarqa Gas Filling Station, where the production capacity of these stations amounts to 100.000 cylinders per 8 hours, and in cases of heavy demand, this capacity is increased to 300.000 cylinders per 8 hours in order to meet the need of citizens.
Sale of Jet fuel
Airport Service Department is responsible for the handling of aviation fuel in all civil airports in Jordan, Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA), Amman Civil Airport (ACA) and King Hussein International Airport (KHIA).
There are two grades of fuel available:
JET A-1, available in all three airports. It is produced in the Refinery / Zarqa. About (33766) aircrafts are refueled yearly in the three airports
AVGAS 100LL, available only at Amman Civil Airport . It is not produced in the refinery, but imported. About (5400) aircrafts are refueled yearly
The fuel handling is conducted in all the stages, Receiving, Storage and Into-plane refueling , according to the following conditions:
The fuel is complying with the international standards such as: Def-Stan 91-91 and JIG Checklist
The highest level measures of safety and quality are taken during the fuel handling
Fuel handling and operations are according to Joint Inspection Group (JIG)
The fuel stations are subject to continuous audits by airlines and international related organizations.
High technology is considered to be used at the airports equipment and refueling vehicles, such as PLC, mass flowmeters, ….
There is a lab with the necessary equipment to conduct all required fuel tests, such as sediments, water check, density, conductivity, millipore, …
Circulation processes of aircraft fuel, beginning from the stage of receipt to the stage of filling into aircrafts, according to the following conditions:
Fuel's conformity to the global approved standards such as DEFSTAN or ASTM;
Fuel must be clean and dry;
The availability of the utmost degrees of safety during the process of aircrafts fueling;
The facilities of aircrafts refueling are subject to periodical inspection procedures by the international bodies and organizations and by the representatives of aviation companies. The Company is keen to use the latest technologies in the facilities and equipment of refueling including the logically programmed controls, blackbody movement counters/Coriolis, as it also intends to use the providers powered by solar in the QAIA to achieve the standards of preserving the environment. The station at the QAIA has a laboratory that contains advanced equipment to conduct laboratory tests including the test of degree of flash, measure the proportion of sediment, testing distillation and conductivity, and detection of water .. etc.
Stations maintenance work
Stations maintenance work involve supervision of the works related to the establishment of new stations for the Company in coordination with the relevant authorities until the installation and operation of the pumps, and conducting of maintenance works necessary for these pumps to ensure that they meet the public safety conditions.
The Department of Stations' Maintenance, in coordination with Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology, conducts monitoring works over the operating stations in order to ensure that its fuels match with the specifications in terms of quality and quantity, through periodical and abrupt visits to calibrate distributors (pumps) and take samples to be tested and ensure its compliance with the production of the Company.
Works carried out in the Aqaba warehouses
The materials imported via sea or land are received at the Aqaba warehouses, and then are stored until transported to the site of the Refinery or distributed directly according to the demand, and the companies and fuel stations in the southern region of the Kingdom are supplied with the oil derivatives, and ships are supplied with fuel oil and diesel.
The Department also carries out maintenance works to the distributors (pumps) at the fuel stations in the southern region of the Kingdom, and it controls the quality and quantity of sold products in the stations in cooperation with the Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology and the relevant authorities.