JOPETROL Lubricants
About JOPETROL Lubricants Factory
In 1977 and in cooperation with Shell, a factory for mixing and packaging of mineral oils was established and operated with a production capacity of 15.000 tons per year, which has been increased to 25.000 tons, and it can be increased more.
The Company manufactures mineral oils under the trademark (JOPetrol) and the Company produces more than 100 classes of multi-purpose mineral oils to meet the Kingdom's needs of this material.
The specifications of mineral oils are based on the Jordanian Standard Specifications, the specification of API (American Petroleum Institute, the standards of SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), the European Specifications, the Specifications of Automotive Manufacturers, and the Specification of the American Army (Military Specifications), and these oils are subject to strict quality controls in modern and specialized laboratories.
JOPetrol is proud of obtaining many certificates, such as the certificate of compliance with the Global Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2008) and this certificate came after JOPetrol's application of the global quality standards which reflects the high level reached by JOPetrol whether in terms of production and packing or in terms of production. This is a pride of the Jordanian industry and a strong incentive to enter the foreign markets, raise the level of performance, and ensure the Company’s adherence to the global specifications and standards.
JOPetrol had also occupied the first rank in the Program of Matching of Laboratory Results that was organized by the International Shell, and a rank of excellence in the Program of the Dutch (IIS) Program to test the efficiency of performance among international laboratories. JOPetroal also secured the approval of General Electric Company to use its oils in the modern trailers is produces which are currently used by Aqaba Railway. Moreover, JOPetrol also obtained a certificate from Mercedes Benz for the use of SAE Oil 10 U/40 and Super Diesel Oil 16 of 15 U/40 in its motors.
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