Purchasing of Asphalt, Fuel Oil and Special Products
The Companies And Establishments (Customers Of Asphalt)
The company or establishment wishing to buy asphalt addresses the Company showing the kinds and quantities of asphalt requested to be purchased.
The JPRC provides that requesting company with a form that shows the classification of the Company and the documents required such as the commercial register and Registration Bond, and the method of payment.
After bringing of the required documents and the signing of the form by the authorized signatories of the requesting company, an account in the records of the Company is opened for the requesting company, and the payment method is limited under such account to either in-cash, certified checks, normal checks covered with a bank guarantee provided that these must be irrevocable.
After that, the requested quantities of asphalt are demanded through the office of fuel demands from Amman, Irbid or Zarqa.
Delivery is carried out at the entrance of the Refinery by tankers or trucks of the customer if the requested quantity was filled in barrels.
The payment for the cash sales, which requires purchasing of one-time quantity or small quantities, will be carried out directly at the office of fuel demands/Zarqa.